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Understanding Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and GERD

It's the billion dollar industry that knows you'll keep coming back!

For about 60 million of us, heartburn, and acid reflux aren't because we ate too much"Fair Food", but it's a condition we experience at least once a month that harms our quality of life and keeps us from normal activities.


The antacid industry is committed to making sure you believe that heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD is caused by too much stomach acid and that’s where they can solve your problem

with regular use of their product and soon all will be well. Really?

Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and GERD are used interchangeably, but they mean different things.

Acid Reflux is the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. This creates Heartburn: a mild burning sensation in the mid-chest and usually happens after eating or when lying down.

GERD [gastroesophageal reflux disease] is a more serious form of acid reflux. This backflow of stomach acid happens chronically and eventually causes damage to the body. This then can lead to inflammation of the lining of the esophagus causing a narrowing, making swallowing difficult.

GERD often stems from a weakened or relaxed spincter in the lower part of the esophagus so that stomach acid backwashes into the esophagus. It can feel like food, liquid, or stomach acid coming up into the throat.

Nausea, vomiting, and other stomach discomfort are common along with pain or difficulty swallowing.

Most of us have experienced heartburn occasionally, but for millions of people it’s a chronic and painful condition. It’s no wonder that acid-blocking medications are among the top selling drugs in America. Unfortunately, taking an acid blocker does nothing to address whatever is causing our acid reflux and these drugs only treat the symptoms instead of finding out how to resolve the problem.

Acid blockers do block the acid that’s causing those unwelcome symptoms of heartburn and reflux, but our body needs stomach acid to digest the food we eat.

When we block our body’s ability to break down food by neutralizing the stomach, our digestion takes a huge hit.

So why not find the cause of the heartburn and indigestion, instead of just treating the symptoms?

Did you know that acid-blocking drugs were originally designed to treat ulcers and prescribed for no longer than 6 weeks?

Current treatment protocol dictates that whenever we experience stomach issues we can purchase Prilosec OTC- no prescription necessary!

Over 15 million Americans have prescriptions for medications to treat heartburn, acid reflux and GERD and many more buy them over the counter.

A Double-edged Sword.

Truth: Blocking stomach acid reduces the body’s ability to break down and digest the food we eat.

Truth: We need stomach acid to activate digestive enzymes, keep bacteria from growing in the small intestine and help absorb important nutrients like calcium, magnesium and vitamin B12.

Using acid blocking medications can cause;

  • Improperly digested food

  • Vitamin & mineral deficiencies

  • Irritable bowel syndrome [IBS]

  • Depression

  • Low bone density due to poor absorption of calcium and other minerals

  • Overgrowth of bacteria in the intestines

  • Increased bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea

If drugs aren’t the answer - what can I do?

Eliminate the likely offenders;

  • Fried foods, alcohol, caffeine, and soda, spicy tomato-based or citrus foods can cause reflux.

  • Excess body weight can also increase heartburn as excess belly fat impairs the stomach’s ability to fully empty.

  • Eating large meals and eating right before bed can increase these symptoms.

  • Stress - yes how we are dealing with life definitely impacts how we digest our food.

  • H.pylori a bug that can be identified by a simple blood test is a bacteria that increases bloating and reflux issues. Treating this bacteria with antibiotics can eliminate reflux.

  • Food sensitivities like dairy and gluten found in grains like wheat, barley, rye and oats.

  • Don’t eat within 3 hours of bedtime to allow your body to digest before sleeping.

  • Reduce processed foods made with refined oils.

  • Cook your vegetables instead of eating them raw.

  • Always sit down when eating.

  • Before you begin your meal, take 5 deep breaths. Breathe deeply through your nose to a count of 5. Inhale to a count of 5, hold your breath to the count of 5. Exhale to a count of 5 through your nose. Repeat.

  • Slow down and chew every bite until it turns into a paste. Chew, chew, and chew some more!

  • Drink water throughout the day but limit liquids while eating to support better digestion.

Soothe Your Gut.

Digestive enzyme capsules or liquid in 4 oz of water before each meal to support digestion.

Probiotics daily to encourage healthy gut bacteria.

Magnesium glycinate 200-400 mg. Twice a day.

Chew 2-3 tablets of DGL [a form of licorice] before your meal.

Biotics GI-Resolve to promote GI healing.

Before you pop that pill, consider fixing the root cause of your digestive woes. It really always begins with what we eat and simple lifestyle corrections.

Are you ready to make some changes in your health?

Do you need a jump-start or a plan to follow?

Would you like to begin the Fall feeling so much better and ready to move through the holidays without the guilt?

I'd love for you to join.....

Move the Needle 2 [August 12- September 23]

Join me for 1:1 coaching to help you reach your health goals. I will be offering individual support for this 6-week; Move the Needle Challenge.

Cost: $30 per week or $150 for the entire Challenge.

What Does This Include?

  • 3- 20 minute individual coaching sessions [in-person or zoom] to personalize program and address your symptoms & concerns.

  • Specific actionable protocols to follow for the 6-week challenge.

  • Handouts and education support.

  • Address these common concerns; weight, hormones, blood pressure, lipids, blood sugar.

  • Ability to ask questions and get help via cell or email throughout the 6 weeks.

  • Assistance in adding wearables, blood sugar monitoring, apps, and supplements that will increase your results.

How Do I Sign-up?

Text me: 209.484-5999/ Email:

Thanks for reading,


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