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Boost Your Metabolism


Here are some tips to use if you'd like to speed up your metabolism. There are so many easy ways we can encorporate each day to help us burn fat and balance our weight.


Here's Where to Begin.

  • Get Sunlight on Your Eyes within 1 Hour of Waking.

  • Go for a 20 Minute Walk.

  • Open your Front or Back Door and Get Outside.

  • Open a Window and Look Outside - it really matters to expose those eyeballs to actual sunlight that isn't blocked by even windows.

When we get sunlight on our eyes, this improves our circadian rhythm, lowers blood sugar levels and boosts our mood.

Eat Real Food.

  • And always include the 'secret sauce' to weight management; Protein, Fat, and Fiber.

  • Eat 3 squares and stop grazing. We all should be able to go 4 hours without feeling hungry. [If this is not you - your blood sugar needs support.]

  • Drink Coffee or Tea with Breakfast [or better yet, after breakfast because caffeine on an empty stomach is a recipe for metabolic disaster! It lowers insulin resistance which means that your cells can't easily take up the glucose [sugar] from your bloodstream. This has a negative effect on blood sugar levels by up to 50%.

Go to Bed Early.

  • Try a 10pm bedtime every night. If you're a late-night person, begin moving your bedtime earlier in 15 minute intervals.

  • Create a nighttime routine because our bodies crave schedules - just like babies.

  • Make bedtime non-negotiable. There's nothing good that happens after 10 pm - so just go to bed!

  • Wake up early. Another bonus of going to bed earlier is you can get up early to greet the day. If you struggle with elevated cholesterol, try going to bed earlier. This supports our liver which is the major organ involved in cholesterol synthesis. The liver is more active at earlier night hours, so giving our body the rest it actually requires will support our liver allowing it to do all the clean up our body requires.

How Am I Slowing Down My Metabolism?

  1. No regular schedule.

  2. Skipping breakfast

  3. Exercising before eating.

  4. Drinking coffee before eating.

  5. Staying inside all day.

  6. Wearing sunglasses always.

  7. Grazing throughout the day instead of eating actual meals.

  8. Eating a large dinner right before bed.

  9. Keeping the lights burnng until bedtime.

  10. Mindless scrolling.

  11. Watching TV, then falling asleep and finally heading to bed late.

How many of these metabolism busters do you regularly practice? These are the 'normal' things we all do, but they are keeping us fat, sick and tired. I've seen so many people begin to make huge improvements in their health by making some changes to what's normal.

When we focus on the foundations, we can speed up our metabolism at any age!

Ditch the diet culture and begin at the beginning.

If you're ready to live with less stress, less overwhelm, and feel a sense of control around time management and the direction your life is going ...

Dig deep into These Five Foundations of a Healthy Life.

  1. Sleep - the most under-appreciated remedy.

  2. Diet - the most life-changing solution.

  3. Hydration - the most potent energizer.

  4. Movement - the most under-used anti depressant.

  5. Stress Reduction - the most neglected healer.

Move the Needle - An Inside Out Reset.

I believe it's more important to develop a framework of your food preferences that incorporates protein, fiber, and probiotic foods along with healthy fats. There are many diets out there and the diet dogma train will tell you to follow a certain plan for success.

But, I like to encourage my clients to use these simple steps to acheive a leaner frame, experience more energy and have stable moods.

Lifetime Framework for Success.

  1. 30 + grams of protein - beginning with breakfast.

  2. 30 grams of fiber throughout the day.

  3. 3 servings of probiotic foods throughout the day.

  4. Include healthy fats [45-75 grams throughout the day]

At a certain age, being fit, and having a healthy mind is our most important status symbol. This is true wealth. -Dr. Amy Shaw

What Does 30 Grams of Protein Look Like?

  • 5 large Eggs

  • 6 oz. Salmon

  • 1.5 cups of Greek Yogurt

  • 4 oz. Steak

  • 1.5 scoops Protein Powder

  • 4 oz. Chicken

  • 5 oz. canned Tuna

What Does 30 Grams of Fiber Look Like?

  • 2 cups cooked Lentils, Black Beans

  • 2.5 cups cooked Chickpeas, Kidney Breans

  • 3 Avocados

  • 6 Tbsp. Chia Seeds

  • 3.5 cups Raspberries

  • 5 Pears [with skin]

Probiotic Foods.

  • 1 cup plain whole Yogurt

  • 1/2 cup Kimchi

  • 2.5 cups Sauerkraut

  • 8 oz. Kombucha

  • 1/2 cup Cottage Cheese

  • 1 cup plain Keifir

Healthy Fats to Eat.

  • Avocados, Avocado Oil

  • Olives, Olive Oil

  • Raw or dry-toasted Nuts & Seeds

  • Fatty Fish- salmon, sardines, bluefin tuna, herring

  • Flaxseeds, Chia Seeds, Hemp Hearts

  • Eggs

  • Nut Butter

  • Grass-fed Butter

  • Ghee

  • Coconut, Coconut Oil

It's Time to Make a Change.

Join me for Move The Needle - An Inside Out Lifestyle Reset.

6 Weeks - Beginning Monday August 12 - Sunday September 22.

  • What areas of your life are serving you well?

  • What are you doing over and over again that isn't working?

  • Let's change it up, not give up!

  • You can actually feel so much better and be THAT person.

  • This is a private, targeted health journey designed just for you.

Cost. - Entire Challenge $150/ $25 per week.

Learn the skills you'll need to set yourself up for the best Fall ever.

What would it look like to begin the holidays leaner, fitter, and more in control ? Ready to actually celebrate all the things without dreading how you look and feel.

What's Inside?

  • 3 20-minute private zoom sessions.[every other week]

  • Weekly text encouragements along with answering any questions.

  • Basic meal template to follow.

  • Information and nutrition teachings to move forward.

Sign-up today!

Thanks for reading,


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